How Do I Find a Missing Person?

missing personFinding a missing person can be an overwhelming and emotionally charged experience. Whether it’s a loved one, a friend, or someone you know, the uncertainty and fear can be paralyzing. ASG Investigations offers expert guidance on how to approach this challenging task systematically and effectively.

1. Gather Information and Document Details

The first step in locating a missing person is to gather as much information as possible. Document everything you know about the person, including:

  • Full name, age, and physical description (height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.).
  • Recent photographs.
  • Last known whereabouts and the time they were last seen.
  • Any known medical conditions or medications they might be taking.
  • Details of their routine, habits, and any significant changes in behavior.

Having this comprehensive information readily available will be invaluable to both law enforcement and private investigators.

2. Contact Law Enforcement

Report the missing person to local law enforcement as soon as possible. Provide them with all the documented details and any other relevant information. The police can issue alerts, such as an AMBER Alert for missing children or a Silver Alert for missing elderly individuals, and begin their investigation.

3. Utilize Social Media and Online Resources

Social media can be a powerful tool in spreading awareness and gathering information. Post about the missing person on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, including photos and descriptions. Encourage friends, family, and followers to share the posts to widen the search area.

Online missing person databases and forums can also be useful. Websites like the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) offer resources and platforms to help locate missing individuals.

4. Conduct Local Searches

Organize local search efforts with the help of friends, family, and volunteers. Focus on areas the missing person frequented or places they were last seen. Hand out flyers with the person’s photo and description, and speak to people in the vicinity who might have seen or heard something.

5. Hire a Private Investigator

If initial efforts don’t yield results, consider hiring a professional. Private investigators have specialized skills, resources, and experience in locating missing persons. ASG Investigations, for example, employs various techniques such as surveillance, database searches, and interviews to track down missing individuals efficiently.

6. Keep Detailed Records

Throughout the search, keep detailed records of all actions taken, including dates, times, places searched, people contacted, and any information gathered. This organized approach ensures no efforts are duplicated and can be crucial for the ongoing investigation.


Finding a missing person requires a combination of diligent effort, organized planning, and leveraging available resources. Starting with thorough information gathering and involving law enforcement, followed by utilizing social media, conducting local searches, and potentially hiring a private investigator, can significantly improve the chances of locating the missing individual.

ASG Investigations understands the emotional toll and urgency of finding a missing person. With professional expertise and compassionate support, they can assist in navigating this challenging process. If you’re facing the distressing situation of a missing loved one, hire a private investigator from ASG Investigations to help you in your search.

Hiring a Private Investigator: What to Expect and How It Works


When you suspect that something is amiss in your personal or professional life, hiring a private investigator (PI) can provide the clarity and evidence you need. At ASG Investigations, we understand that taking this step can be daunting. Here’s what you can expect from the process and how it works.

Initial Consultation

The first step is an initial consultation. This meeting, often free of charge, allows you to discuss your concerns and objectives with a professional investigator. During this consultation, the PI will ask detailed questions to understand your situation fully. They will explain the services they offer, potential costs, and what you can expect in terms of results. This is your opportunity to ask questions and gauge whether you feel comfortable working with the investigator.

Defining the Scope

Once you decide to proceed, the next step is defining the scope of the investigation. The PI will work with you to outline specific goals and establish a plan of action. This may include surveillance, background checks, digital forensics, or other investigative techniques. Clear communication is crucial at this stage to ensure that both you and the investigator have a mutual understanding of the objectives and methods.

Conducting the Investigation

The PI will then begin the investigation. Depending on the case, this may involve various activities such as monitoring a subject’s movements, analyzing digital communications, or interviewing witnesses. Experienced investigators use a combination of skills and tools, including surveillance equipment, databases, and fieldwork, to gather information discreetly and efficiently. Throughout the process, the PI will keep you informed about progress and any significant findings.

Collecting Evidence

One of the primary roles of a PI is to collect and document evidence. This can include photographs, videos, audio recordings, documents, or other tangible proof that supports your case. PIs are trained to ensure that the evidence they gather is admissible in court, should you need it for legal proceedings.

Reporting Findings

At the conclusion of the investigation, the PI will compile a comprehensive report detailing their findings. This report will include all relevant evidence and a summary of the investigation. The PI will also be available to discuss the results with you, answer any questions, and provide advice on possible next steps.

Confidentiality and Professionalism

Professionalism and confidentiality are paramount in private investigations. Reputable PIs like those at ASG Investigations adhere to strict ethical standards, ensuring your privacy is protected throughout the process. All information shared and discovered during the investigation remains confidential.


Hiring a private investigator can be a crucial step in uncovering the truth and making informed decisions. At ASG Investigations, we are committed to providing thorough, discreet, and professional investigative services. If you’re considering hiring a PI, reach out to us for a consultation. We’re here to help you navigate this challenging time with expertise and care.

6 Industries that Require a Background Check

background checkBackground checks are a vital component of the hiring process in many industries, ensuring safety, security, and integrity. ASG Investigations, a leading private investigation company, explores six industries where background checks are essential:

  1. Healthcare: With access to sensitive patient information and direct interaction with vulnerable individuals, healthcare providers require thorough background checks to screen for criminal history, professional licensure, and disciplinary actions.

  2. Education: Schools, colleges, and educational institutions conduct background checks on teachers, administrators, and staff to safeguard students and maintain a secure learning environment. Checks may include verifying credentials, criminal records, and child abuse clearances.

  3. Finance and Banking: Due to the sensitive nature of financial transactions and access to confidential data, employees in the finance and banking sector undergo rigorous background checks to mitigate risks of fraud, theft, and regulatory violations.

  4. Government and Law Enforcement: Government agencies and law enforcement departments enforce strict background check requirements for employees, contractors, and applicants to ensure trustworthiness, reliability, and suitability for positions of public trust.

  5. Childcare and Elderly Care: Background checks are crucial in childcare facilities, daycare centers, and eldercare services to protect vulnerable populations from potential harm. Checks may include criminal history, child abuse clearances, and reference checks.

  6. Transportation and Logistics: Employees in transportation and logistics industries, such as trucking companies, airlines, and shipping firms, undergo background checks to verify driving records, criminal history, and compliance with safety regulations.

ASG Investigations specializes in conducting comprehensive background checks tailored to the specific needs of clients across various industries. With access to extensive databases and resources, ASG Investigations delivers accurate, reliable results that enable employers to make informed hiring decisions and mitigate risks.

By partnering with ASG Investigations for background screening services, businesses can ensure compliance with industry regulations, protect assets and personnel, and maintain a safe and secure work environment. Contact ASG Investigations today to learn more about our customized background check solutions and safeguard your organization’s interests.

Asbestos Abatement: What You Should Expect

Asbestos AbatementAsbestos abatement is a critical process for ensuring the safety of your home or building. Whether you’re dealing with renovations, demolitions, or simply suspect the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), hiring a certified asbestos abatement company, like The Modern Pros,  is essential. Here’s what you should expect from the asbestos abatement process:

  1. Initial Assessment: A reputable asbestos abatement company will begin with a thorough inspection of your property to identify any ACMs. This assessment may involve visual inspections, sampling, and testing by certified professionals.

  2. Development of Abatement Plan: Once the presence of ACMs is confirmed, the abatement company will develop a detailed plan outlining the procedures for removal or encapsulation. This plan will adhere to local regulations and safety guidelines to ensure proper containment and disposal of asbestos materials.

  3. Notification and Permits: Depending on local regulations, the abatement company may need to notify relevant authorities and obtain permits before commencing work. This ensures compliance with legal requirements and facilitates a smooth and organized abatement process.

  4. Containment and Safety Measures: During asbestos removal, strict containment measures will be implemented to prevent the spread of asbestos fibers. This may include sealing off the work area with plastic sheeting, using negative air pressure systems, and employing specialized equipment and personal protective gear to minimize exposure risks.

  5. Safe Removal or Encapsulation: The abatement team will carefully remove asbestos-containing materials using approved techniques and equipment. Alternatively, if removal is not feasible, encapsulation methods may be employed to seal asbestos materials in place and prevent fiber release.

  6. Proper Disposal: Disposal of asbestos waste must be handled in accordance with regulatory requirements. The Modern Pros will transport asbestos-containing materials to designated disposal facilities equipped to handle hazardous waste safely.

  7. Post-Abatement Testing: Following the completion of asbestos abatement activities, air monitoring and clearance testing will be conducted to ensure that the area is safe for reoccupation. These tests verify that asbestos levels are below permissible limits and provide assurance of a successful abatement process.

  8. Documentation and Compliance: Finally, the asbestos abatement company will provide comprehensive documentation, including abatement plans, test results, permits, and certificates of compliance. This documentation serves as proof of proper abatement procedures and regulatory compliance.

In conclusion, hiring The Modern Pros a certified asbestos abatement company located in Southeast Michigan is crucial for safely managing asbestos hazards in your property. By understanding what to expect from the abatement process, you can ensure the effective removal or encapsulation of asbestos materials while prioritizing the health and safety of occupants and workers alike.

Top 10 Questions to ask a Private Investigator

questions to ask a private investigator
When seeking the services of a private investigator, asking the right questions is crucial to ensure they’re the right fit for your needs. Here are the top ten questions to ask when hiring a private investigator:

  1. Experience and Credentials: Inquire about their experience in handling cases similar to yours. Ask about their licensing, certifications, and affiliations with professional associations.

  2. Specializations: Determine if they specialize in specific types of investigations, such as infidelity, background checks, corporate investigations, or legal matters.

  3. Approach and Methodology: Understand their investigative approach. Ask about the techniques, technology, and methods they employ to handle cases effectively.

  4. Confidentiality: Ensure they prioritize confidentiality. Discuss how they handle sensitive information and maintain discretion throughout the investigation.

  5. Legal Compliance: Verify their adherence to legal and ethical standards. Ask how they ensure that investigations are conducted within the boundaries of the law.

  6. Communication and Updates: Inquire about their communication process. Understand how often they provide updates or reports on the progress of the investigation.

  7. Cost and Fees: Discuss their fee structure and payment terms upfront. Clarify what is included in the fees and if there are additional expenses to anticipate.

  8. References and Testimonials: Request references or client testimonials. Hearing about previous clients’ experiences can provide insight into their professionalism and success rate.

  9. Timeline: Discuss the expected timeline for the investigation. While some cases may vary in complexity, having an estimated timeframe can help manage expectations.

  10. Results and Reporting: Ask about the deliverables. Inquire how they present their findings and if they offer comprehensive reports or documentation at the conclusion of the investigation.

Remember, establishing a rapport and feeling comfortable with the investigator is crucial. Trust your instincts and assess their responses to determine if they align with your expectations and needs.

Choosing the right private investigator involves thorough research and asking pertinent questions. By addressing these key points, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of their expertise, professionalism, and suitability for handling your specific case.

Ready to get started? Contact ASG Investigations in Southeastern Michigan for all your private investigations needs.

Top 3 Cosmetic Dental Options for the Perfect Wedding Smile

bride wedding smile makeover cosmetic dental


Your wedding day is undoubtedly one of the most memorable and cherished moments of your life. As you gear up for this special occasion, don’t overlook the importance of your smile. A radiant smile can light up the room, enhance your confidence, and leave a lasting impression on your guests and, most importantly, your partner. If you’re considering a smile makeover before tying the knot, here are three top-notch cosmetic dental options that can help you achieve that picture-perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of.

  1. Teeth Whitening for a Dazzling Smile: Brightening your smile can make a world of difference in your overall appearance. Professional teeth whitening treatments can effectively eliminate stubborn stains and discoloration caused by years of coffee, tea, or wine consumption, as well as other lifestyle factors. By opting for in-office or at-home whitening procedures, you can achieve a noticeably whiter smile in a short amount of time, leaving you ready to dazzle in every photograph and capture every joyful moment with confidence.

  2. Porcelain Veneers for Flawless Aesthetics: For those looking to address multiple cosmetic dental concerns simultaneously, porcelain veneers offer a comprehensive solution. These custom-made, wafer-thin shells are bonded to the front surface of your teeth, effectively concealing imperfections such as chips, cracks, gaps, and uneven sizes. Not only do veneers provide an instant transformation, but they also offer long-lasting results, ensuring your smile remains flawless throughout your wedding festivities and beyond.

  3. Invisalign for a Perfectly Aligned Smile: Achieving a straight, well-aligned smile is easier than ever with Invisalign. This innovative orthodontic treatment uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, allowing you to maintain optimal oral hygiene during your wedding preparations. With a more discreet and comfortable option like Invisalign, you can confidently walk down the aisle knowing that your smile is on its way to perfection.

As you embark on this beautiful journey of love and togetherness, investing in these cosmetic dental options can not only enhance your appearance but also boost your self-esteem and leave you with a radiant, confident smile to cherish in your wedding memories for years to come. Don’t hesitate to consult your trusted dentist to discuss which option best suits your needs and timeline, ensuring that you have the most captivating smile when you say, “I do.” Begin your married life with a beaming smile that reflects the joy and happiness of this momentous occasion.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Brigham Baker and his team at Impressions Dental in Chandler, AZ, to discuss your smile makeover goals. Find out what’s right for you.

Cleaning and Maintaining Vinyl Siding

cleaning vinyl siding the modern pros

Regular cleaning plays a crucial role in preserving the integrity and appearance of vinyl siding. Here, we delve into the importance of cleaning vinyl siding and provide essential tips on how to effectively maintain its quality and prolong its lifespan.

Why Clean Vinyl Siding?

Vinyl siding is susceptible to accumulating dirt, grime, mold, and mildew over time, especially in areas with high humidity or frequent rainfall. Failure to clean the siding regularly can lead to the deterioration of its surface, compromising its visual appeal and structural integrity. Additionally, the buildup of contaminants can accelerate the aging process, causing irreversible damage and requiring costly repairs or replacements.

How to Clean Vinyl Siding:

  1. Preparing for Cleaning: Before starting the cleaning process, remove any obstacles or debris surrounding the siding to ensure unobstructed access. Cover nearby plants and vegetation to protect them from potential damage caused by cleaning solutions or debris.

  2. Choosing the Right Cleaning Solution: Select a suitable cleaning solution based on the type of contaminants present on the siding. A mixture of water and mild detergent or specialized vinyl siding cleaning solutions can effectively remove dirt, grime, and mold without causing damage to the siding’s surface.

  3. Using Proper Cleaning Techniques: Employ gentle cleaning techniques, such as using a soft-bristled brush or a soft cloth, to avoid scratching or denting the siding. Begin cleaning from the bottom and work your way up to prevent streaking, and rinse each section thoroughly to ensure the complete removal of cleaning solutions and debris.

  4. Regular Maintenance: Implement a routine maintenance schedule to prevent the accumulation of dirt and grime. Regular inspections and cleanings can help identify any potential issues early on and prevent the need for extensive cleaning or repairs in the future.

Benefits of Regular Cleaning:

Regularly cleaning vinyl siding not only maintains its aesthetic appeal but also ensures its longevity and durability. Proper cleaning prevents the growth of mold and mildew, preserving the siding’s structural integrity and minimizing the risk of permanent damage. Additionally, maintaining clean siding enhances the overall curb appeal of your property, contributing to its value and aesthetic charm.

Adhering to a regular cleaning and maintenance routine is essential for preserving the quality and appearance of vinyl siding. By following these essential cleaning tips and incorporating regular inspections into your maintenance schedule, you can prolong the lifespan of your siding and enjoy a well-maintained and visually appealing exterior for years to come.

When you’re ready to change the entire look of your home, garage, or other buildings with new vinyl siding installation, contact The Modern Pros to schedule a consultation and find out what siding is right for you.

6 Signs You Need To Conduct a Corporate Investigation

corporate investigations for safeguarding business

In the corporate world, maintaining integrity and security is essential for sustainable growth and success. However, various internal and external factors can compromise a company’s stability and reputation. Conducting a corporate investigation is a proactive measure that can protect businesses from potential risks and ensure a safe and ethical work environment. Here are six crucial signs that indicate the need for a corporate investigation.

  1. Suspicious Financial Activities: Unexplained financial discrepancies, irregularities in accounting records, or sudden fluctuations in revenue can indicate potential financial fraud within a company. If there are suspicions of embezzlement, money laundering, or other fraudulent activities, conducting a thorough financial investigation is crucial to identify the root cause and prevent further monetary losses.

  2. Intellectual Property Theft: A sudden decline in the company’s intellectual property (IP) value or instances of unauthorized use of proprietary information by employees or competitors can be indicative of intellectual property theft. A corporate investigation can uncover the source of the breach and help implement stringent measures to safeguard valuable trade secrets and intellectual assets.

  3. Employee Misconduct: Reports of employee misconduct, such as harassment, discrimination, or violation of company policies, should prompt an immediate investigation. Identifying and addressing instances of employee misconduct can foster a healthy work environment and prevent potential legal liabilities or damage to the company’s reputation.

  4. Breach of Confidential Information: Instances of leaked sensitive information, client data breaches, or unauthorized sharing of confidential company information can severely impact a company’s credibility and trustworthiness. A corporate investigation can help determine the source of the breach and implement robust data protection protocols to prevent future security lapses.

  5. Suspicious Partner or Vendor Activities: Unusual behavior or suspicious activities by business partners, vendors, or suppliers can pose significant risks to a company’s operations and reputation. Conducting a thorough investigation can reveal any potential fraudulent dealings or unethical practices, allowing the company to safeguard its interests and maintain ethical business relationships.

  6. Competitive Intelligence Threats: Unexplained changes in market share, pricing strategies, or product offerings that seem to align with a competitor’s actions may indicate potential competitive intelligence threats. A corporate investigation can uncover any illicit competitive practices or unauthorized access to sensitive business information, enabling the company to implement effective countermeasures and protect its competitive edge.

In conclusion, recognizing the signs that necessitate a corporate investigation is crucial for safeguarding a company’s assets, reputation, and overall stability. By addressing suspicious financial activities, intellectual property theft, employee misconduct, breach of confidential information, suspicious partner or vendor activities, and competitive intelligence threats, companies can proactively mitigate risks and ensure a secure and ethical business environment. Conducting regular corporate investigations not only protects the company from potential liabilities but also fosters a culture of integrity and transparency, driving long-term success and sustainability.

Contact ASG today to discuss your need for corporate investigations.

Fall Roof Maintenance Tips to Protect Your Investment

roofing maintenance gutter cleaning


As the leaves begin to change and temperatures cool down, it’s a reminder that fall is here. It’s also the perfect time to perform essential roof maintenance to ensure your investment remains protected throughout the upcoming seasons. Neglecting your roof during this time can lead to costly repairs down the road. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with valuable fall roof maintenance tips that will help you safeguard your home.

1. Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts

One of the most critical fall maintenance tasks for your roof is gutter and downspout cleaning. Falling leaves, twigs, and debris can clog gutters, preventing proper water drainage. When gutters are clogged, water can accumulate and seep under the roofing material, causing damage and leaks. To prevent this, make sure to clean your gutters and downspouts thoroughly. Ensure they are securely fastened to your home and free of any blockages.

2. Inspect the Roof for Damaged Shingles

Fall is an excellent time to inspect your roof for any damaged or missing shingles. Harsh weather conditions during the year can cause shingles to curl, crack, or become dislodged. Damaged shingles can lead to water leaks and, ultimately, structural issues. Carefully examine your roof for any signs of wear and tear, and replace damaged shingles promptly to maintain your roof’s integrity.

3. Trim Overhanging Tree Branches

Overhanging tree branches can pose a significant risk to your roof during the fall and winter months. As leaves accumulate on branches, they can add weight and cause them to break, potentially damaging your roof in the process. To prevent this, trim any overhanging branches and ensure they are a safe distance away from your roof. This will also reduce the risk of falling leaves clogging your gutters.

4. Check for Proper Attic Ventilation

Proper attic ventilation is essential year-round, but it’s particularly important during the fall and winter. Adequate ventilation helps regulate temperature and moisture levels in your attic, preventing ice dam formation and condensation issues. Ensure that your attic vents are clear of debris and that there is sufficient airflow in your attic space.

5. Schedule a Professional Roof Inspection

While you can perform some maintenance tasks yourself, it’s always a good idea to schedule a professional roof inspection during the fall. A roofing expert can identify any potential issues that may not be visible to the untrained eye. They can also provide recommendations for necessary repairs or maintenance to extend the life of your roof.

6. Clean Moss and Algae

If you live in a region with high humidity, moss, and algae growth can be a problem for your roof. These organisms can deteriorate roofing materials over time. To prevent this, clean moss and algae from your roof’s surface and apply appropriate treatments to inhibit their regrowth.

By following these fall roof maintenance tips, you can protect your home from potential damage and extend the lifespan of your roofing system. Remember that regular maintenance not only ensures your roof’s longevity but also saves you money on costly repairs in the future. If you have any concerns or need professional assistance with your fall roof maintenance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our expert Michigan roofing team.

4 Ways Private Investigation Firms Help Attorneys



Private investigation firms play a vital role in the legal world by providing attorneys with essential support and information to build strong cases and ensure justice is served. Whether it’s a criminal defense case, a civil lawsuit, or any other legal matter, private investigators offer valuable assistance. In this article, we’ll explore four key ways in which private investigation firms help attorneys achieve their goals.

  1. Gathering Evidence and Information:

    Private investigators are skilled at gathering crucial evidence and information that can make or break a case. They use a wide range of techniques, such as surveillance, background checks, and forensic analysis, to collect facts and data that may not be readily available through public records or witness testimonies.

    In criminal defense cases, for example, private investigators may interview witnesses, reexamine crime scenes, or analyze forensic evidence to uncover new leads or inconsistencies in the prosecution’s case. For civil cases, investigators can dig deep into financial records, business transactions, and other relevant documents to support the attorney’s claims.

    This evidence can be instrumental in building a compelling case strategy and strengthening an attorney’s argument in court.

  2. Locating Witnesses and Experts:

    In many legal cases, locating witnesses and experts can be a challenging task. Witnesses may be reluctant to come forward, or their whereabouts may be unknown. Private investigators have the skills and resources to track down and interview witnesses, even those who have moved or are trying to remain anonymous.

    Additionally, private investigators can help attorneys find and vet expert witnesses who can provide authoritative opinions on complex issues. Whether it’s a medical expert, a financial analyst, or a technical specialist, having the right expert witness can be a game-changer in a legal case.

  3. Surveillance and Observation:

    Surveillance is a powerful tool used by private investigators to monitor the activities of individuals involved in a case. This is especially valuable in cases involving personal injury claims, workers’ compensation fraud, or suspected infidelity.

    Attorneys rely on private investigators to discreetly observe and document the actions of parties involved, ensuring that their claims are valid and supported by concrete evidence. Surveillance can reveal fraudulent behavior or provide insight into a person’s daily activities, which can be crucial in both civil and criminal cases.

  4. Background Checks and Due Diligence:

    Private investigators conduct thorough background checks and due diligence investigations to provide attorneys with comprehensive profiles of individuals and entities involved in a case. This information helps attorneys make informed decisions, assess risks, and identify potential vulnerabilities.

    Background checks may reveal past criminal records, financial history, litigation history, and other relevant details that can impact the case strategy. Due diligence investigations are also crucial in business-related cases, such as mergers and acquisitions or contract disputes, where understanding the backgrounds and reputations of involved parties is essential.

In conclusion, private investigation firms are indispensable partners for attorneys in various legal matters. Their expertise in evidence gathering, witness location, surveillance, and due diligence greatly enhances an attorney’s ability to build strong cases and advocate effectively for their clients. By leveraging the skills and resources of private investigators, attorneys can ensure that justice is served, whether in criminal defense, civil litigation, or other areas of the legal profession. The collaboration between attorneys and private investigators underscores the importance of a thorough and professional approach to legal representation.

Contact ASG Investigations for discreet and professional investigative services.